When you’re researching car loans, it’s easy to get overwhelmed looking at rates and terms, and trying to figure out how much car you can really afford. When it’s time for you to buy a new car, Mission Federal Credit Union is here to help you get the right Auto Loan so you can buy the car you really want.
We offer a number of benefits with our Credit Union Car Loans to help you get the vehicle you want while keeping your payments within your budget. Mission Fed Auto Loans come with our Bottom Line Rates every day and flexible terms from 36 to 84 months. Perhaps you’re buying a new vehicle because your family is growing, or maybe the car you’ve had since high school has hit its final tune-up and isn’t worth as much as it would cost to fix it. Even if you’re just interested in upgrading, we have you covered. Whether you come in with a down payment or are need full financing, we can offer up to 120% financing for your credit union Auto Loan. Use our handy Auto Loan Calculator to calculate your payments and find out how much you can afford.
Applying for your Car Loan in San Diego is easy at Mission Fed! You can make an appointment to meet with a loan representative in person, or you can call one of our loan experts and they can walk you through the application process. Or, if you’d prefer to apply on your schedule from the location of your choice, you can apply online anytime with our online credit union Car Loan application.
When it’s time for you to buy a new vehicle, you don’t have to research car loans on your own. Mission Fed is here to help you through the credit union Auto Loan application process. People are our priority, and we want you to get the vehicle you need, when you need it, with a Car Loan in San Diego that fits your budget. Your success is our bottom line, so let us show you how our Auto Loans can work for you. Stop by your nearest location or contact us any time to learn more about our credit union Car Loan features and benefits as well as our other loans in San Diego. We’ll have you in the driver’s seat in no time.
And after you find the right car loan, ask a Mission Fed representative to connect you with Autoland, our car buying service. An Autoland representative will help you locate the car you want, negotiate the price and arrange delivery. Learn more about Autoland now!
The content provided in this blog consists of the opinions and ideas of the author alone and should be used for informational purposes only. Mission Federal Credit Union disclaims any liability for decisions you make based on the information provided. References to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name in this article by Mission Federal Credit Union is for the information and convenience of its readers and does not constitute endorsement, control or warranty by Mission Federal Credit Union. This information is provided for educational purposes only. Must meet membership and account criteria. All loans subject to credit approval.